I. realization that i don't live in the paradise. i was around 12 and i was a witness and at the same time a victim of my parents' divorce.
II. realization that i can't read all the books that has ever been written. i was in junior high and having had read eco's name of the rose i looked at the shelf in the library.
III. realization that i will never meet all the people in the world. that was on my first lpc camp and later on at uwc. i always meet a small sample out of 6 billion.
and the most recent one:
IV. realization that brain is nothing but a machine. this is here, at sfu. most of it came out of the course readings on metaphysics, psychology and communications. consider this:
"could the machines think?"
"the answer is, obviously, yes. we are precisely such machines." (john searle)
terrible, isn't it? this triggers thinking: do i really want to know? do i want to further realize? realization kills enchantment. enchantment is the most essential part of my life. killing enchantment practically equals a suicide.
however, there is always hope. i just can't find a scientific explanation to this hypothesis.