roman onufrijchuk
now probably you wonder who roman onufrijchuk is. try google or wikipedia. but i am not quite sure you'll find him there, cause he ain't a celebrity. roman is my communications professor. incredibly outspoken and eloquent. probably the most outspoken and eloquent of all my professors here. no wonder for his roots are back in eastern europe.
i am actually collecting his quotes but the one above touched me to the deepest and made my neurotransmitters fire like hell. about different issues. but since the context of the quote was abandoning saturated fats in canada (long and a little bit arbitrary story) it made me primarily think of saturated fats.
i assume that through abandoning saturated fats canadians want to fight the syndrome x, the fastest growing disease in north america - obesity.
bravo! but.
but as usually here they don't address the problem. this won't stop canadians growing fat in a terribly fast pace (neurotransmitters fired and thoughts appeared on somewhere on my cerebral cortex).
what they should do instead is abandoning corporate fast food restaurants and office jobs for these are two places where people are simply fed shit. i don't really have to go into mcdonalds issue, but it is worthwhile touching upon 'deskjobs'. people are treated there with chocholate all the time. i mean it, i am experiencing it and it seems (and looks) like a pigpen. the tall and slim secretary is a myth! but these people eating in fast food places is not...
now i realize they will never ban fast food restaurants or office jobs. why? because these two run their economies and hence they cannot afford it! they prefer keep people up with an illusion of abandoning saturated fats and continue serving shit hamburgers (though perhaps without saturated fats).
and yet again i am asking myself: is this really the continent of the free? is this a really individualistic and literate societies we are talking about? in such conflicts the government has a choice between the state and the individual, the individual still loses. always.
and the only hope that is left now is enclosed in roman's quote: "if anybody tells you that you can't make a change to this world, tell them that they are full of shit. because they are."
ps. excuse me for oversimplifications and generalizations.