tomorrow is the d-day - vancouver marathon. this is going to be a very first marathon for me. i have never covered this much distance in one go. obviously, i am nervous, but i am not shitting my pants! i am going to go out there and strain myself of every bit of energy that still sits in me. the ultimate goal is to bring the time below 4 hours, which is ambitious, but i believe attainable.
i have trained hard for past four months, following a deadly training regime. i have ran 332.6 mi (which converts into 535.2 km). given my average pace of 5 minutes 20 seconds per each kilometer, i calculated that this semester i spent approximately 47,5 hours running (that's almost two days!!).
keep your fingers crossed for each step i take. after all, life, like marathons, is gained in small steps - one at a time.