i love not having classes (at least for a while), because i can say "yes" to everything without feeling guilty that i should be studying instead. this is what happened today when jesse and i played tennis. this what happened last saturday when i got an email from the hiking club, calling people for a bowen island trip.
what do you mean, "bowen island"? never heard of it?
according to wikipedia, bowen island is an island municipality in howe sound, and within metro vancouver. approximately 6 km wide by 12 km long. there is regular ferry service from horseshoe bay, as well as three water taxi services (sweet, innit?). there were 3,551 permanent residents, a number that is supplemented in the summer by roughly 1,500 visitors, as bowen island is a popular vacation home location for british columbians. about 500 workers and over 200 students commute to offices and schools on the mainland each day (crazy!). the island has a land area of 49.94 km².
now you know.
in the middle of the island there is mt. gardiner at approx. 750 meters over the sea level. the two peaks of that elevated land were the obvious destination points for us, the hikers. don't be mislead! it is a 750 meters elevation change, since we started right at the sea level..
the wheather was beautiful and the people who came along interesting to talk to. when the uphill started a group of us broke out and approached the peak a little faster than the rest, aiming to get back to the snug cove before 6 o'clock to catch a ferry. we managed to do it, but there were parts when we were literally running down the hill. partly because we really wanted to catch the earlier ferry and partly because it was so steap that working against the gravity was not an option.. :-) overall i had a fantastic time..!
later that evening i also went out to celebrate ana's birthday and warm her house. but that's another story...on the ferry to snug cove.
the peak group picture. (un)fortunately we are covering the view.
here's the stunning view from the north peak of mt. gardiner!
end of the road.. and up!
snug cove. the ferry "terminal" at the bowen island.