as ali g would say: "booyakasha"
what have my soul been up to recently? much, much. perhaps even too much. i have had such a crazy time coming back to vancouver and finding myself homeless. a friend of mine, piotr lutyński, let me stay at his place by sherbrooke street for the first month. great, free accommodation at good peoples' home. but commuting back and forth to the university took up to 3 hours a day of my precious time. pain in the ass; sometimes rather stressful when i needed to hand in an assignment or something.
having survived this first month, mariam and i finally moved in to a wonderful apartment at inlet drive in burnaby. bright, big and relatively cheap, what else students need? moving in was o-k, but time and energy consuming. we got a lot of free furniture and bought some kitchen stuff in almighty ikea. and so we have lived so far. organized a thanksgiving potluck (see some pictures two posts below). and then midterms started. within two weeks i had 5 exams. hey, it's already a second year, so there's no joking around. during that time i committed all my time to studying. still, the pressure of maintaining high gpa is on. i know that if i lose the scholarship, i go home.
now, the midterms are over and i got a little sick. in meanwhile i also have thought about a sense of direction. vision. where am i going right now? i have come up with some beautiful dreams. and i am determined to follow them. as usual. even if i fail and ridicule myself.