part 2: across canada (vancouver to halifax) I
right after dialogue finished i had only couple of days to hand in the assignments, pack up my stuff and move out of the magical house at east pender street. at the beginning of july i was already leaving vancouver for the greatest adventure of my life. goal? to swim in the pacific and the atlantic waters in the same month... more seriously, the goal was to cover the distance between vancouver, bc and halifax, ns by land, on budget, without renting own car and within a month or so. this summer to large extent was to be a realization of my dream to hitchhike across canada, get on a fishing boat in halifax and sail to iceland. i needed to modify it a little bit (ie., cross out the iceland part), cause i still had one final at sfu in august.
in the posts concerning the trip, i will use mostly key words, but also many images (after all, one picture is worth a thousand words!). i will throw in a comment here or there to enrich what you see, or describe an experience that wasn't captured with a camera.
let's go (with a greyhound bus for now)!
day 1: vancouver,bc to kelowna,bc
couchsurfing in kelowna at dillon's+tasting the wine from local wineries (for those who do not know, i want to inform that canadians make excellent wine especially around kelowna, in the okanagan valley)
day 2: kelowna,bc to calgary, ab (through salmon arm, bc)
hiking up the knox mountain+swimming in the okanagan lake
day 3: calgary, ab
the calgary tower and stepping over the glass floor at the top+alternative 17th avenue+heritage park, the largest in canada, where the wild west spirits were well alive
day 4: calgary, ab
olympic park 1988+getting frustrated with calgary virtually non-exisitent public transit system
day 5: calgary, ab to banff, ab
camping at the tunnel mountain campground+checking out the town of banff, which looked kind of like the alpine resorts except everything was oddly new+writing couchsurfing requests from the local library+netherlands 3-2 uruguay+asking a fellow camper for some boiled water and getting a whole gasburner
day 6: banff, ab to lake louise, ab to kicking horse valley, bc (& back)
whitewater rafting on the kicking horse river(one of the most awesome experiences during the whole trip!)+a hike up to the famous lake louise+troubles finding food at safeway (by definition food is something that does not contain corn syrup, guar guar gum and/or sodium glutamate)
day 7: banff, ab to edmonton, ab (through calgary, ab)
night walking (sleep walking) along the north saskatchewan river+sleeping over at lara's relatives
day 8: edmonton, ab
the 12 hour tour of the city with dana: whyte avenue and the old strathcona district, downtown, the university
day 9: edmonton, ab to saskatoon, sk
riding the nightbus+discovering saskatoon berries and what can be made out of them+checking out saskatoon farmers market+couchsurfing at johana's
day 10: saskatoon, sk
western development museum+fair of agricultural technology+netherlands 0-1 spain at winston's pub downtown+also at winston's: bison burgers and stew+also at winston's: meeting up other local and foreign couchsurfers