i meant to write the final chapter of this blog right after i returned to poland in the end of august, but off-line life absorbed me and i had no time for blogging. still, i want to have the last word as the creator and the only contributor to this canadian saga of mine. so much had happened in the last months of my stay in canada that i could write a solid book about my experiences. i will try to summarize this magical time here, just to give you a glimpse. also i will tell you what's going on now and what i want to happen in the future (i will do that in parts, so you don't get overwhelmed by catching up with me :D). so. ready for a ride? here we go!
part 1: the end of dialogue
at the end of june, the wonderful dialogue course i have written so much about had come to an end. as a class we organized an awesome public event at emily carr university at granville island. we presented our group projects (remember? what matters most!) and i also installed my artistic collage there. it looked something like this:
this image shows the beginning of the working process. all the pictures of colorful produce and hands were eventually connected with a laundry string. the installation as a whole was some sort of free hanging.. something. :-) but looked well cool and i was impressed with my artsiness. next to the installation i wrote:
to survive and grow humans have to eat. but food has always meant more than just being a fuel for the body. it is more than a sum of its nutrients; food means everything and leads to things that really matter. food can be a driving force behind physical and mental well-being, community building, moment-to-moment experiences, enjoyment of living, connection to the earth, and keeping the bellies and brains full and satisfied.
alas, the food we eat today is nothing like what our great-grandparents used to eat a hundred years ago. the food-imitations and food-like products constantly scream at us from the supermarket shelves, “save money, time and effort!” we seem to believe them, buy them and eat them. that’s how modern business and hectic lifestyle have driven us away from eating the real food and as a consequence lead us to forsake the things that really matter.
our focus shifted from quality to quantity in many important aspects of life. shift it back! refocus on eating real food and everything else will take care of itself.
keep food simple, colourful and real. keep food yours. where else will it take you?
yes, it was sad the course had finished and i needed to say goodbyes to the people, instructors and the whole spirirt of living dialogue.. but i gotta say that it has been one of the best academic experiences i have had. i am grateful i had a chance to ask the question "what matters most?" and... get deadly confused!