surreal. i am back here. it feels like a dream. only a minute ago i was on the bank of a beautiful amsterdam's canal, only a second ago it was christmas, a split of a second we were driving to vienna... but now i am here at east pender street in vancouver, lying on a foot-on in my new room, trying to kill the jetlag.
i was picked up by car from the airport by talia, isabell (my roommates) and robin - isabell's boyfriend. it is always so comforting to get picked up, even if somebody comes by a bus or a metro. but they came with a car! all the places we drove thru looked so familiar, but quite rusty in my spatial memory. it didn't take too long before one can orient oneself in a north american city, especially vancouver. the north is where the mountains are (we could see the lit-up slopes of grouse mtn.!), all the numbered avenues run parallel to the mountains. with this much knowledge you're good to go.
anyhow, we arrived at the house quite late, around 9pm and first thing we did was (of course) getting sushi. and it wasn't even my initiative.. :-) we talked and the evening went by smoothly and cozy. now i am trying to fall asleep to get back into the pacific timing. also because it seems like tomorrow is going to be a hell of a busy day. but hey, didn't i like it?