i went to the meeting for the future exchange students (yes, i am going for an exchange to universiteit van amsterdam. yes, it is fantastic). it was a day long, chilled meeting with the administrative staff, former exchange students and some counselors. what did they talk about? well, about the wide dangerous world. i maintained a subtle smile on my face throughout the entire meeting. apparently, in italy when in trams you gotta hold onto your wallet, cause otherwise you get robbed. while abroad don't eat cheese or any dairy products for they are pasteurized and your stomach won't be able to take them. wtf? how can you tell something like that to somebody who is going for an exchange in france!? they probably go there to eat baguettes with brie and drink wine. furthermore, the counselor advised the women to bring the birth control pills and condoms testified in canada, because in europe they don't have any or perhaps somebody is purposefully making holes in them. oh, and watch the ticks in hungary (as if there were no ticks around here, let alone the bears).
so the message was: anywhere outside vancouver is dangerous and sketchy, be prepared. but, hey, otherwise have fun! [and have a walk through east hastings before you go].
very north american tactics of inducing fear. why do they like inducing fear in their people?
is it the only means of communicating common sense?