Tuesday, April 24, 2007

home? home.

so i have made it. i am sitting in my living room, enjoying brand new wireless connection and slowly getting over a terrible jetlag. i have four points to make, really, so i cut the small talk and get straight to business:

primo: i am not gonna be writing over the summer, as this blog is not about my life, but my university life. i am, though, going to respond to letters, emails, facebook messages etc., so please do not suspend those. i will be back in vancouver on 28th of august, so only then i will recommence my blog activity.

segundo: plans for the summer are chilling, interrailing and volunteering in norway, quite close to the college btw. i really feel i have desrved this summer by eating shit and cutting my spendings over last term to absolute minimum.

tertio: the exam results have come out and yes, i am keeping my scholarship. all the best to everybody, wherever you are.

oh, and i am visitng the college this thursday with bakkerud and bunny. should be fun. will be fun. :-) takk for maten.