there are few things, you the readers of this blog should know about as my first term at simon fraser university is officially over.
1) just today i got my last grade and must say that i haven't yet lost the scholarship. ;-) quite on the contrary. i have managed not only to maintain this ridiculously high gpa, but actually exceed it!
2) i am staying here in burnaby during christmas. i am together with mariam (lebanon) and jesus (venezuela). both are from adriatic college. we shall figure something out.
3) i have already moved to my new room and must say it is splendid to finally have an access to kitchen! new address correspondingly to the one on the right margin. keep writing to me.
4) i have a volunteer job (i shall expand in a separate, perhaps next, post).
5) since there is little continuity between the terms i have nothing else to than chill, watch movies, read books, learn how to cook, work-out in the gym, chill, smoke, drink, commute without feeling in hurry, chill, play chess etc. let it stay as long as possible.
6) finally i got a haircut. i have no idea why did i delay a visit in a hairdresser (in canadian english: barber) for such a long time. it seemed like a dentist visit. haha. whateva.
(soon pictures of the new room)