Wednesday, October 04, 2006

the room b2053 - a month later

having pondered a little bit about my current situation i start regarding the cave of the room number b2053 as 'home'. those who have gone thru' uwc experience probably understand why do i put home in the quotation marks. but that is a different matter. here, i mean that after classes or after run i go back there automatically and i feel comfortable and relatively happy in there. see, i even managed to do something to the concrete wall...

i mean it. notice i have tones of pictures on right beside my head, couple of posters (including original poster of flekke trot and infinite dreams). i also hanged the polish scarf and emptied several bottles... so it goes (paraphrasing the pacifist).

the rest stays pretty much the same, except the mess increased. anyhow, i am probably the cleanest person on the residence. only my mother would not agree with this statement. however she has no point of relation except her own pedancy... she should have seen moonga or nueng back in nh103. that was mess! i still smile to these good old times. they say that when one starts recalling "the good old times" one seriously starts getting old. terrible, indeed.