one thing that makes me...
- laugh
the slogan of white spot restaurant that is "legendary taste since 1928". [note: anything that is older than 3 decades here is considered 'old', anything that is from before wwII is 'legendary'. mhm. i assume that anything from 19th century is 'ancient' or even 'prehistorical']
- annoyed
the candy machines that accept only loonies and toonies while most of the stuff in there is 1,25$.
- confused
communication lectures by dr roman o. that prof is honestly too smart for us. maybe even he is too smart for himself?
- disgusted
seeing people eating hamburgers and potatoes for breakfast. especially while i am having some good, nutritious musli and a banana.
- happy
ana's smile on mondays and people leaving comments upon the posts. do that more often! it makes me really happy.
- impressed
the speed and efficiency of all the communal transport in greater vancouver, including the sky train and all the buses. at most of the stops downtown there's no need for a bus schedule, because the buses (or troleybuses) run so often, like every 2-5 minutes. furthemore, the bus drivers are actually nice! learn something from them, poles!
- sad
the "pure orange juice from concentrate" or the "natural artificial apple juice". those are taken directly from juice (?) containers. really. i shall comment no further.