write a statement about you serving as an introduction or a “publishable
thumbnail” or bio. it should contain something about your past, about what you
think you’d like to get out of this course or why you’ve enrolled in it, and
something of what you hope awaits you in the future.
here is what i have managed to write within the recquired 150 words:
Grzegorz (preferably: Grzesiek [jeshi’ek]) Więcław was born in Gliwice, Poland
during the years which were to bring down the communistic governments across
Eastern Europe. As a result of his parents’ violent divorce, Grzesiek grew mature faster than most of his mates – to forget the hell of home, he was always involved into academic, social and athletic activities.
Regardless all the difficulties, in 2004 he was selected to represented Poland in one of the United World Colleges in Norway where he lived and studied with people from
over 90 countries. There he learnt of Simon Fraser University where he got in on
an international SHRUM scholarship this year.
Currently he hopes to pursue the study of the biggest interest of his – people, but he is not certain what will he major in. He thinks (and lives) along the lines of Jerzy
Grotowski’s theories: There is no standing still, only evolution or involution.