well, well, well... i have started the preparation process. that means i have started buying the essentials. yesterday i went to the tabak shop and bought some proper polish snuf and a pack of vanilla cigarillos. the latter for some special occasion, not that i have become a smoker. today i bought a 500 ml bottle of delicious polish żubrówka. [for those who don't know what żubrówka is i send to wikipedia.org or to poleo who is probably getting drunk with this stuff right now] those who know me well enough would ask: "why only 500 ml?" no worries. i am not becoming an absteiner. there's actually a different reason behind it. first of all, i have a very limited luggage weight, so i (after all) prioritze cloths, books etc. second of all, the customs are extra-aware of all the things you bring with you, because of the detailed controls. yeah, but 500 ml should be fine. the rest of the shopping is not worth mentioning. however, if anyone terribly wanted to hear the story about a new pair of trousers i bought a week ago, please contact me via e-mail.
moving on to the spirtual things. i have visited my grandparents and started saying 'goodbye' to my friends around here. well, there aren't many, but still they are. i wonder how the things will change after a year, two years in vancouver. i don't belong to gliwice any more, at least i don't feel any sort of attachment. i am 'outrooted'. hence i am looking forward to the new challenges of sfu. i am looking forwad to meet new people, see different places, be an explorer again. so 'goodbye' will not be painful. only a little bit melancholic...